VaHomeschoolers Board Member
Application Form

The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers is a member-directed organization, and the board of directors is responsible to the membership.

Members of VaHomeschoolers select the board of directors in periodic elections. Offices and positions are filled by appointment by the board, as are any interim board vacancies. The information provided here will establish your qualifications to serve on the board of directors, subject to the judgment of members.

Fields marked with an * are required
Preferred Phone *
Are you a current member of The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers? *
Are you a resident of Virginia? *
Have you homeschooled for at least one year? *
Are you supportive of VaHomeschoolers' inclusive stance and subscribe to VaHomeschoolers' mission? Are you dedicated to serving, empowering, and advocating for all Virginia homeschoolers? *
Because board members live across the state, we use an online forum as our daily "office" to communicate with each other and to share updates. Do you have access to the internet and are willing to participate online regularly? *

Please answer the following questions with a sentence or two.

Please complete the following phrases with a sentence or two.

The above information is available for publication by The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers and is subject to editing for space and clarity. Questions? Email VaHomeschoolers or call our Helpline, toll-free, at 866-513-6173.