The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers (VaHomeschoolers) is an independent, non-profit, member-driven, statewide organization. We are committed to providing homeschooling support to our members, as well as accurate information about homeschooling to Virginia’s families, school divisions, legislators and policymakers, the media, and the community at large. VaHomeschoolers appreciates that homeschooling families are diverse in their beliefs and backgrounds, but united in loving their children, valuing their children’s education, and treasuring their freedom to homeschool. For this reason, VaHomeschoolers is an inclusive organization and is neutral in matters of politics and religion.
About Us.
Dedicated to serving, empowering, and advocating for all Virginia homeschoolers.
VaHomeschoolers Vision
In furtherance of our mission, VaHomeschoolers is inclusive of all backgrounds, religions, races, nationalities, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions. Our community welcomes and supports all homeschool learners and their families, including, but not limited to, those who: speak English as a second language, identify as LGBTQ+, identify as BIPOC, families who are multigenerational households, same-sex parents, single-parent households, blended, and other diverse shapes and sizes.
We are celebratory of all and expect all members to be willing and able to learn and grow together. This sometimes means engaging in hard conversations. As these conversations arise our hope is that we have fostered an atmosphere of inclusion and intellectual charity, in order to permit the consideration of other perspectives and seek out a new understanding.
To that end, we also acknowledge that in questions of justice regarding homeschool we should give the loudest voice to the groups most affected, and ensure our perspectives do not dehumanize or further marginalize the affected.
We understand that we can not serve members of our community that we don’t allow at the table. However, we also reserve the right to be intolerant of intolerance. When beliefs cause harm to others we have a duty to step in and remove those agents of harm.
VaHomeschoolers Community Guidelines
– As an inclusive organization, faith based discussions and resources are permitted in our community. However discussions or statements may not promote any belief or value over another, or be shared at the expense of others.
– No conversations or comments that marginalize or dehumanize are permitted within our community.
– Comments and conversations should remain charitable and productive within our moderated communities or at VaHomeschoolers events. Wanton disregard for the feelings of others will not be permitted.
– The acceptance of voices from organizations outside of VaHomeschoolers should not be interpreted as an endorsement of those organizations. We hold ourselves to the same standard of charity as we do our members.
The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors. Members of the Board of Directors are elected annually by the VaHomeschoolers membership and serve a term of two years.
The Board meets virtually via Zoom on the second Thursday of each month, and all current members of the organization are welcome to attend to present their ideas, ask questions, or make suggestions.
Do you have something you would like to share, or a question for the Board? Fill out this quick form to let us know which meeting you would like to attend and what you would like to share!
The Board will review all completed forms and include a spot for you on the agenda of the meeting date you request. Prior to the meeting date, we will send a Zoom meeting invitation. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Our Organization
See how the different parts of the organization work together to support homeschoolers throughout Virginia.

Learn how The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers came into existence and about the changes that it’s been through since its inception. Read more…
Share Your Talents!
As the state’s volunteer-driven homeschool organization, VaHomeschoolers’ work is done by our volunteers — homeschool parents, like you, who feel strongly about supporting homeschooling in Virginia, and who recognize the importance of an organization like VaHomeschoolers. Consider supporting VaHomeschoolers by volunteering your time and abilities.