Ways to Give

There are many ways to contribute to your statewide homeschool organization.


Dues paid to VaHomeschoolers pay for the cost of member benefits. VaHomeschoolers relies on donations to fund services such as:

  • Helpline and Helpdesk resources
  • Comprehensive website
  • Supportive workshops and events
  • Our work with school districts

We hope our inclusive approach welcomes you into our publications and our events so you can get the support you need, regardless of your political or religious background. Your financial gift will help defray the cost of providing services and support to homeschoolers throughout the Commonwealth. Please contact the Treasurer, if you have a question.

Thank you for considering a donation to VaHomeschoolers.


As the state’s volunteer-driven homeschool organization, VaHomeschoolers’ work is done by our volunteers — homeschool parents, like you, who feel strongly about supporting homeschooling in Virginia, and who recognize the importance of an organization like VaHomeschoolers. Consider supporting VaHomeschoolers by volunteering your time and abilities.

When applying, please include a listing of relevant skills and/or any previous experience.

Rewards Programs

Store Programs

VaHomeschoolers is registered in Giant’s A+ School Rewards program. To link your Giant BONUSCARD go to giantfood.com/sign-up and follow the prompts. To find VaHomeschoolers, enter school code: 05028. Please remember to re-link your card every September.

VaHomeschoolers is now part of Together in Education. Link your VIC card by going to Harris Teeter’s Together in Education and filling in the information using the school code 6052 (or search on State: VA, City: Charlottesville). Please remember to re-link your card every August.

Every September, designate The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers to receive benefits from Martin’s A+ School Rewards program at the Martin’s A+ School Rewards website. Register or login to get started and use school id 22289.

Visit KrogerCommunityRewards.com and sign into your online account or create one. Use the school code 84554 and click “Save.”

Box Tops for Education

VaHomeschoolers is now an official Box Tops for Education participant! You can help your fully inclusive, member-directed and volunteer-driven state homeschool association with products you already buy. You can ask your friends, family, and neighbors to help us, too. See the complete list of participating products here.

The NEW and improved Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to VaHomeschoolers earnings online. It’s even easier to help your favorite homeschool organization! Here is the information on the new app.


Traditional Box Tops clips are being phased out of production but may continue to be found on many products throughout the store as packages transition to the new Box Tops labels. Every valid Box Tops clip is still worth 10¢ for our organization!  To donate your traditional box tops to VaHomeschoolers:

  1. Save your Box Tops for Education coupons from products you buy (see the list). Ask your neighbors, friends, and relatives if they would save them for you, too.
  2. Verify that expiration dates have not passed. Outdated coupons cannot be honored.
  3. Place the coupons in a ziploc or sandwich bag for easy collection. Please make it easy for our Box Tops for Education coordinator – do not staple or tape coupons together. Make it even easier by bagging in groups of 50.
  4. Either bring the coupons to the VaHomeschoolers Conference or email our Box Top Coordinator to obtain the address for where to send them.

Thank you for your support!


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