Comprehensive Guide to Homeschooling in Virginia

Find answers to common questions shared by many prospective and new homeschoolers.
The decision to homeschool is a big decision and, for many parents, it can seem overwhelming at first. You may be interested in homeschooling because you find the idea of allowing your child to learn at his or her own pace appealing. Your child may be struggling in school and you feel that there must be a better way. Or, you may wish to more closely tailor your program to your child’s interests or to your family’s values and beliefs.
Regardless of the reasons that brought you here, you will find that homeschoolers are diverse in our beliefs and backgrounds, but united in loving our children, valuing their education, and treasuring our freedom to homeschool.
As a public service, VaHomeschoolers has compiled this Comprehensive Guide to help you find answers to common questions shared by many prospective and new homeschoolers. Some of this information is specific to Virginia, while other parts of the Guide apply to homeschooling, regardless of location. It is our hope that by providing you information and support that you will feel confident and empowered to make the leap to homeschooling.
- If you’re just starting to consider homeschooling for your family, start here: Considering Homeschooling.
- If you’re ready to begin, learn your options for complying with, or seeking an exemption from, the Compulsory Attendance Code as a homeschooler.
Homeschooling in Virginia
Ready to homeschool? Here’s what you need to know about homeschooling in Virginia
Ages and Stages
Each age brings a different set of challenges. Here are some ideas for navigating them.
Curriculum and Resources
So many options! Some ideas to start you along your way.
- Homeschooling Styles
- Choosing Curriculum and Resources
- Pre-packaged Curriculum Materials
- Designing Your Own Curriculum
- Outsourcing Classes
- Homeschoolers’ Access to Public School Classes
- Homeschoolers’ Access to Public School Sports
- Dual Enrollment
- Virtual Schools, Distance Learning, and Correspondence Schools
The Legalities
Details about the laws that surround homeschooling
- Homeschooling Statutes in Virginia
- Vaccination Laws Pertaining to Homeschoolers
- VDOE Guidelines and Statistics
- Home Instruction Statute Changes
- Virginia School Division Homeschool Policies
- Returning to Public/Private School
- Homeschooling and Jury Duty
- Education Options for Suspended/Expelled Youth
- Homeschooling Statutes in Virginia
This information is provided as a courtesy of The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers. It is not intended as legal advice. For legal advice, contact a licensed attorney.
VaHomeschoolers is a non-profit public charity with 501(c)(3) status; your donation is tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.