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Would you like to get an email announcement once in a while (not very often), letting you know if there is a new development in Virginia’s homeschooling law or policy, or updating you on events like conferences and seminars hosted by VaHomeschoolers?  If you become a member, you will receive these emails automatically, but if you are not a member, you may request these updates free of charge by giving us your email address (which we will not give or sell to anyone else).

  Join Us on Facebook!

An inclusive group for families homeschooling in Virginia (or considering homeschooling!) Get your questions answered and connect with other homeschoolers in your area and around the state.

Finding Community

Check out our list of local/regional homeschool groups in Virginia!

Conference & Events


Connect with homeschoolers in person at homeschool events around the state, including  the VaHomeschoolers Conference and Resource Fair.


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