Black History Month


National Black Home Educators Website Collection of resources for Black homeschooling familiesNational Black Home Educators Website Collection of resources for Black homeschooling familiesThe origins of National Black History month begin in 1915, when historian and author Dr. Carter G. Woodson founded the Association of the Study of Negro Life and History, today known as The Association for the Study of African American Life and History ( It was through this association that in 1926 the first Negro History Week was initiated. As February was the birth month of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, two key figures in the history of Black Americans, it was the natural choice for the month of this occasion.

It was not until 1986 that Congress passed Public Law 99-244 (, designating February as “National Black (Afro-American) History Month”. It took a lot of hard work and perseverance to get to that moment, and we still have strides to go. One small step we can all take is to recognize and support Black thought leaders and caregivers who are actively engaged in homeschooling communities, and those creating avenues for liberation and self-directed learning for Black children and families.

In honor of Black History Month, we have gathered this brief collection of resources intended to highlight a variety of Black led collectives/co-ops, blogs, YouTube channels, resources, and associations. Access to Facebook groups, the vast array of YouTube channels, and independent websites developed and run by Black homeschoolers have become more prominent in the last decade. The resources listed are available to help broaden your homeschooling journey.


Doin’ It Our Way – A 3 episode podcast series created in September 2022. brought to you by St. Louis Public Radio. “For years, Black parents have talked about how traditional schools have failed their kids in the classroom. Now, a growing number of Black families are leaving those schools behind to take a chance on themselves. Doin’ It Our Way explores why some St. Louis area families chose to homeschool, how they are able to do it, and what that experience has been like for their kids. Hosted by Marissanne Lewis-Thompson.”.





Black Girl MATHgic – “Created by a woman with a Math degree and over 15 years of math tutoring experience, the Black Girl MATHgic™ (BGM) Box is the first and only monthly subscription box curated to increase math confidence and decrease math anxiety in girls on a 3rd-8th grade math skill level. Each box contains a relevant and engaging math activity booklet, items to support the activities, an affirmation to inspire confidence, a profile of a black woman mathematician and a Caring Adult Guide.”


Girlfriends Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan Perry Interview with Alycia Wright, M.Ed. – A 40 minute interview between Angela Jordan Perry and Alycia Wright occurring in September of 2019 covering everything from how it all began to challenges, resources, and advice for other homeschooling families. This YouTube channel includes lots of other interviews with Black homeschooling families covering a range of personal experiences and homeschool theories.


Black Family Homeschool Educators and Scholars – Launched in 2020 by Black homeschool researchers Dr. Khadija Ali-Coleman and Dr. Cheryl Fields-Smith with a virtual teach-in and eventually brought forth their research anthology Homeschooling Black Children in the US: Theory, Practice, & Popular Culture. The organization continues to focus on sharing best practices and youth development theory with Black parents and caregivers to support their homeschool journeys, with access to resources and YouTube videos.



The Mom Trotter – In this roadschooling blog, Karen shares lots of information on traveling and RV life with a whole section on homeschooling with a focus on her roadschooling strategies. She covers a variety of topics from education apps to loose schedules and a collection of Black homeschool blogs, organizations, books, and Facebook groups that can be found here.



Raising Free People – This website, run by Akilah S. Richards, is a hub for her offerings including podcasts, videos, interviews, books, articles, and other resources in support of liberatory Black homeschooling practices.


Cultural Roots Homeschool Cooperative – A local co-op, “Cultural Roots Homeschool Cooperative is a culturally centered and liberated space for families, located in Richmond, Virginia. We intentionally center our programming around the diverse cultural attributes, traditions, and histories of Black, Brown, & Indigenous communities.” Cultural Roots webpage also contains a list of great books for your homeschool family to explore.


We also encourage you explore Black figures who have shaped our world. From prominent civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr and Rosa Parks to the first Black woman elected to congress, Shirley Chisolm.


10 Black Homeschool Moms You Should Follow

A collection of links and descriptions for 10 Black homeschool moms.


Navigating Unschooling and Blackness in the American Education System A personal essay by Akilah Richards on the Alliance for Self-Directed Education website about her journey to and vision for an anti-oppression liberation framework for self-directed education.


LogoNational Black Home Educators

A collection of resources for Black homeschooling families.


Raising Free People™ NetworkFare of the Free Child

“Fare of the Free Child is a weekly-published podcast community centering Black people, Indigenous people, and People of Color in liberatory living and learning practices. With a particular interest in unschooling and the Self-Directed Education movement, Akilah S. Richards and guests discuss the fears and the fares (costs) of raising free black and brown children in a world that tends to diminish, dehumanize, and disappear them.” This can be found on many podcast platforms by searching for “Fare of the Free Child”

We’d love to hear about how you honor and celebrate Black History Month and the Black owned homeschool resources you love to support!


Opinions expressed by individual writers in this blog do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Directors of The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers, nor do they represent an official position of VaHomeschoolers. Writers’ views are their own, and readers are encouraged to research and explore homeschooling issues to their own satisfaction.

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