Homeschooling Your Gifted Child
Gifted children, like other children with special needs, often find homeschooling to be the best way to learn and grow. However, giftedness can pose challenges. Luckily, parents of gifted children were among the earliest proponents of homeschooling, and there are lots of well-developed resources. Here is a selection of the best.
The Gifted Homeschoolers Forum is arguably one of the best place on the web for learning about homeschooling gifted children. It includes a massive library of articles about defining giftedness, learning styles and needs, testing, teens and college, living with gifted children, and twice-exceptional (2E) issues, along with book reviews and a directory of local support lists and social media support groups. There is also a Yahoo group affiliated with GHF.
The Hogie’s Gifted Information Page, one of the web’s first major gifted support website, has a large section devoted to homeschooling.
Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) has an extensive collection of articles focused on the social and emotional lives of gifted children, an often-neglected but important subject.
Homeschooling Taglets: A moderate-volume support list, this national/international list has a tight focus on homeschooling resources and support.
TAGMAX was one of the first Internet support lists for gifted homeschoolers. It is still active and can be a valuable resource for new homeschoolers of gifted children. However, the volume of mail associated with the list can be daunting.
Eide Neurolearning Blog: Drs. Brock and Fernette Eide’s blog, devoted to brain-based learning research, frequently discusses research on twice-exceptional children (both gifted and learning disabled). The Eides have a particular interest in gifted dyslexics and have written extremely useful books on dyslexia and on diagnosing and remediating learning difficulties.
DC Metro Gifted Homeschooling is a secular, inclusive group for parents homeschooling gifted kids in the Washington, DC metropolitan region.
Book Recommendations
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