What Services Does the Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers Offer?

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Welcome! We’re glad you’re here. As it says on our website landing page, “Homeschooling isn’t for everyone, but it’s for anyone.” We are Virginia’s only fully inclusive, independent, volunteer-run, member-driven, statewide organization. No matter your race, religion, political affiliation, income level, or family situation, we here at the Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers want to make sure we’re providing you with resources that help you on your homeschooling journey. To that end, we offer a wide range of services. Here are some of them:

Website with Guides to Get Started and Answer Questions

New to homeschooling and wondering how to get started? We have a comprehensive guide here. Have a question about what to include in your portfolio? You can find some ideas here. Looking for some curriculum ideas? Check our bookstore, which is being added to all the time. Need a testing service or evaluator? We have a list! We envision our website as being a one-stop shop for answers to all your homeschool questions, and if you don’t find the answer here, you can always reach out to our toll-free help line or help desk.

Free Help Line and Help Desk

Have a specific question about your letter of intent? Are you confused about curriculum? Approaching the end of the year and panicking about proof of progress? We have REAL PEOPLE who volunteer their time to help you! I have personally spoken with these volunteers and they care so greatly about homeschool parents and kids. They are hunting down answers to your questions on weekends, during holiday breaks, and in between shuttling their own kids to and from activities. They truly are dedicated to helping you.

Got questions? Give our help line a call!

Help Desk: info@vahomeschoolers.org

Help Line: 1-866-513-6173


If you’re reading this, you’ve already discovered our blog! Begun in 2021, our blog is full of useful articles that cover everything from deschooling to creating a curriculum using Minecraft. We are always looking for contributors, and if you (or your teen) have an idea for a post, you can send your pitch to submissions@vahomeschoolers.org

Legislation Alerts

We monitor proposed legislation affecting homeschoolers and send out alerts via our email distribution list. Members automatically receive the emails, but if you’re not a member yet, you can sign up here.


The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers has enjoyed tremendous success with in-person conferences in the past, bringing in speakers and vendors from varied backgrounds and experiences. We are not your “one size fits all” organization, and our offerings have reflected that. We enjoyed participation in a recent virtual conference and are beginning to look ahead to a potential in-person conference in the future. We need volunteers to make that happen. Please reach out to volunteer@vahomeschoolers.org if you have time to contribute—even an hour a week would be appreciated!

Media Liaison

 We routinely field questions and interview requests from journalists. Sometimes our volunteers are interviewed over the phone or in person, and sometimes we offer the opportunity to respond to reporters to our members.

Livestream Events

 Our organization hosts free livestream panels and workshops on our official Facebook page, The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers. Past livestreams have covered topics like portfolios and state history.

Active Facebook Group

 Our Facebook group has more than 10,400 members and is growing every day. It’s a place to find both like-minded individuals and alternate viewpoints. You can ask questions, offer insight, and find community.

Elizabeth Caraway recently moved to Virginia from Ohio. She served as the homeschool outreach program founder and director for a local nursing home for four years and helped facilitate another local group of 500+ homeschoolers. She has also taught homeschool group French classes and participated in homeschool cooperatives. Liz is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, where she later taught in the Dept of English, and the University of Delaware, where she earned an M.A. in English Literature. An Air Force veteran, Liz enjoys acrylic painting, time in nature, and travel. She lives in Sterling, VA, with her two daughters and computer nerd husband.

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