Speaker Spotlight: Sherry Wolfe

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Sherry Wolfe started homeschooling when her twice exceptional (2e) son wasn’t thriving in public school. At that point she committed to learning the best ways to support her kids to be successful. Over a decade later, Sherry is homeschooling her three children, making her way through the high school years! She’ll be joining VaHomeschoolers to bring her experience as a college educator and homeschooling parent in her workshop on homeschooling high school. Below is our interview with Sherry, and some of the inspiration she has to offer! 


VaHomeschoolers: How were you first introduced to the world of homeschooling? What were some of the factors that led you to decide to homeschool your family (if applicable)?

Sherry: My oldest went to public Kindergarten and part of first grade. When he was in first grade, he started to excel in Math, but struggle in writing. The school wasn’t able to figure out the best way to support him. I figured that I was home anyway, so we would pull him to homeschool and take it a year at a time. And now, here we are, 11 years later, homeschooling 3 kids, and that oldest one is graduating this year!

What is a challenge you have faced in your personal homeschooling journey and how did you approach that challenge?

Being with my kids 24/7! I am a huge introvert and this part has been difficult. I have learned to ask for a break when I need it – and it gets put on our family calendar. Now that my kids are all teenagers and can stay home alone, it’s definitely easier!

What advice would you give to a family just starting out with homeschooling?

Don’t spend a lot of money at first, especially on an All-in-one program. Most kids aren’t at the same level in all subjects. Homeschooling is a great way to be able to work on different levels or topics for each kid and meet them where they are.

What is a significant challenge(s) facing the homeschool community right now and how do you think we can address it?

Right now, there seems to be a big emphasis on online school options. This may work well for some families, but I fear that new homeschoolers may think this is the only (or best) way to homeschool. I think it’s really important for families to know that there are tons of options in all formats and budgets and they can find what works for their family.

Who are some of your biggest homeschooling influences and why? 

Julie Bogart – her encouragement about letting kids be kids. Also, her emphasis on developing critical thinking. Susan Wise Bauer – her background in academia combined with homeschooling appealed to me since I teach college classes.


Want to hear more from Sherry? She will be leading a workshop in Homeschooling Highschool without Loosing your Mind at the 2024 unConvention May 18th. We hope you’ll join us!


This interview was conducted by Valerie Coker, written and edited by the Public Relations Committee. Valerie is a homeschooling mom of three, including two with special needs. Homesteading in southwest Virginia, she volunteers as a coordinator for Luke14 Ministries serving families with disabilities, and loves teaching at her local co-op. We’re glad to have her as a volunteer for The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers. 

Opinions expressed by individual writers in this blog do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Directors of The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers, nor do they represent an official position of VaHomeschoolers. Writers’ views are their own, and readers are encouraged to research and explore homeschooling issues to their own satisfaction.

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